CoreJava - ClassesObjectsMethods - Assignment


CoreJava - ClassesObjectsMethods - Assignment

Classes, Objects, Methods:

  • 1.       Create a class called "Person" with instance variables for name, age, and gender.
  • 2.       Create an object of the "Person" class and set its instance variables.
  • 3.       Write a method in the "Person" class that prints out the person's name, age, and gender.
  • 4.       Write a method that calculates the age of a person based on their birth year.
  • 5.       Write a method that checks if a person is an adult (over 18 years old).
  • 6.       Create a class called "Rectangle" with instance variables for length and width.
  • 7.       Write a method in the "Rectangle" class that calculates the area of the rectangle.
  • 8.       Write a method that calculates the perimeter of a rectangle.
  • 9.       Create a class called "Student" with instance variables for name, grade, and GPA.
  •       Write a method that prints out a student's name, grade, and GPA.
Method Signature, Static/Non-Static, Return Keyword, Parameterization

  • 11.   Write a method that takes two integers as parameters and returns their sum.
  • 12.   Write a method that takes a string as a parameter and returns the length of the string.
  • 13.   Write a method that takes an array of integers as a parameter and returns the sum of the array.
  • 14.   Write a static method that calculates the factorial of a number.
  • 15.   Write a non-static method that calculates the area of a circle.
  • 16.   Write a method that takes two integers as parameters and returns the larger of the two.
  • 17.   Write a method that takes two integers as parameters and returns their product.
  • 18.   Write a method that takes a string as a parameter and returns the string in reverse.
  • 19.   Write a method that takes an array of integers as a parameter and returns the average of the array.
  • 20.   Write a parameterized constructor for the "Rectangle" class that takes length and width as parameters and sets the instance variables.

Pass By Value & Pass by Reference:

  • 21.   Write a method that takes an integer as a parameter and increments it by 1.
  • 22.   Write a method that takes an array of integers as a parameter and sets all values to 0.
  • 23.   Write a method that takes an object of the "Person" class as a parameter and sets their age to 0.
  • 24.   Write a method that takes a string as a parameter and appends "hello" to the string.
  • 25.   Write a method that takes an array of strings as a parameter and sorts the array in alphabetical order.

Recursive Methods:

  • 26.   Write a method that calculates the factorial of a number recursively.
  • 27.   Write a method that calculates the Fibonacci sequence recursively.
  • 28.   Write a method that prints out the numbers from 1 to n recursively.
  • 29.   Write a method that calculates the sum of the digits of a number recursively.
  • 30.   Write a method that checks if a string is a palindrome recursively.


  • 31.   Write a default constructor for the "Person" class that sets the instance variables to default values.
  • 32.   Write a parameterized constructor for the "Person" class that takes name, age, and gender as parameters and sets the instance variables.
  • 33.   Write a non-parameterized constructor for the "Rectangle" class that sets the length and width to 0.
  • 34.   Write a parameterized constructor for the "Rectangle" class that takes length and width as parameters and sets the instance variables.
  • 35.   Write a constructor for the "Student" class that sets the instance variables to default values.


  • 36.   Create a static variable called "count" in the "Person" class that counts the number of persons created.
  • 37.   Create an instance variable called "grade" in the "Student" class that represents the student's grade level.
  • 38.   Create a local variable called "sum" in a method that calculates the sum of two integers.
  • 39.   Create an instance variable called "balance" in a bank account class.
  • 40.   Create a static variable called "PI" in a math class that represents the value of pi.

Access Modifiers/Specifiers:

  • 41.   Create a public method in a class that prints out a message.
  • 42.   Create a private instance variable in a class that represents the class's password.
  • 43.   Create a protected method in a class that returns the class's name.
  • 44.   Create a default instance variable in a class that represents the class's size.
  • 45.   Create a public static variable in a class that represents the class's ID.


  • 46.   Write a program that uses the relational operators to compare two integers.
  • 47.   Write a program that uses the assignment operator to assign a value to a variable.
  • 48.   Write a program that uses the arithmetic operators to calculate the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two integers.
  • 49.   Write a program that uses the logical operators to determine if a number is positive and even.
  • 50.   Write a program that uses the unary operators to increment and decrement a variable.

Conditional Statements and Loops:

  • 51.   Write a program that uses an if statement to determine if a number is positive or negative.
  • 52.   Write a program that uses an if-else statement to determine if a number is even or odd.
  • 53.   Write a program that uses a switch statement to determine the day of the week.
  • 54.   Write a program that uses a for loop to print out the numbers from 1 to 10.
  • 55.   Write a program that uses a while loop to calculate the factorial of a number.
  • 56.   Write a program that uses a do-while loop to ask the user for their name and prints out a greeting.
  • 57.   Write a program that uses a for-each loop to print out the elements of an array.
  • 58.   Write a program that uses a break statement to exit a loop.
  • 59.   Write a program that uses a continue statement to skip an iteration of a loop.
  • 60.   Write a program that uses nested loops to print out a multiplication table.


  • 61.   Create a class called "Animal" with instance variables for name and age.
  • 62.   Create a subclass of "Animal" called "Dog" with instance variables for breed and weight.
  • 63.   Create a method in the "Animal" class called "makeSound".
  • 64.   Override the "makeSound" method in the "Dog" class to make a barking sound.
  • 65.   Create a constructor in the "Animal" class that takes arguments for name and age.



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