ST-Manual Testing - 4 - Test Design


Test Design

Software testing is the process of evaluating a software application or system to determine if it meets specified requirements and to identify any defects. It is a critical step in the software development process, as it helps to ensure that the software is of high quality and fit for its intended purpose.

What is Test Design?

In software engineering, test design is the act of creating or writing test cases for testing the software.

What is a test case ?

A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a test Engineer will determine whether a system / Application [SUT/AUT] under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. The process of developing test cases can also help find problems/issues [defects] in the requirements or design of an application.

Steps to follow, to test the functionality
Test Data
Expected Results 

Test Case Template  - 


Sample User stories for an E-Kart and Corresponding Test cases

User story for an e-kart application:

Summary: As a user, I should be able to search for products on the e-kart website so that I can find the items I am looking for.

Description: The user should be able to search for products by keyword, category, or brand. The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner, with the option to sort by relevance, price, or popularity. Users should also be able to filter their search results by price range, availability, and rating.

Acceptance Criteria:

·         The user can search for products by keyword, category, or brand.

·         The search results are displayed in a clear and organized manner.

·         The user can sort the search results by relevance, price, or popularity.

·         The user can filter the search results by price range, availability, and rating.

·         The search functionality is easy to use and user-friendly.

·         Search field is not taking empty or special characters and the length of the search input should not be more than 20 characters

Sample test cases for the e-kart application's search functionality:

Test Case 1: Search by keyword

Test Case Description: This test case will verify that the user can search for products by keyword and that the correct results are displayed.

Test Steps:

1.       Open the e-kart website in a web browser

2.       Enter the keyword "shoes" in the search input field

3.       Click the search button

4.       Verify that the search results include products related to "shoes"

Test Data:

·         Search keyword: "shoes"

Expected Results:

·         The search results should include products related to "shoes"

·         The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner

·         The search results should not include products unrelated to "shoes"


Test Case 2: Search by category

Test Case Description: This test case will verify that the user can search for products by category and that the correct results are displayed.

Test Steps:

1.       Open the e-kart website in a web browser

2.       Select the "Electronics" category from the drop-down menu

3.       Click the search button

4.       Verify that the search results include products from the "Electronics" category

Test Data:

·         Search category: "Electronics"

Expected Results:

·         The search results should include products from the "Electronics" category The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner

·         The search results should not include products from other categories


Test Case 3: Search by brand

Test Case Description: This test case will verify that the user can search for products by brand and that the correct results are displayed.

Test Steps:

1.       Open the e-kart website in a web browser

2.       Enter the brand "Apple" in the search input field

3.       Click the search button

4.       Verify that the search results include products from the "Apple" brand

Test Data:

·         Search brand: "Apple"

Expected Results:

·         The search results should include products from the "Apple" brand

·         The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner

·         The search results should not include products from other brands



Test Case 4: Sort by price

Test Case Description: This test case will verify that the user can sort the search results by price and that the correct results are displayed.

Test Steps:

1.       Open the e-kart website in a web browser

2.       Enter the keyword "laptop" in the search input field

3.       Select "Price: Low to High" from the sort menu

4.       Click the search button

5.       Verify that the search results are sorted by price in ascending order

Test Data:

·         Search keyword: "laptop"

·         Sort option: "Price: Low to High"

Expected Results:

·         The search results should be sorted by price in ascending order

·         The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner

·         The search results should not be sorted in descending order.





Test Case 5: Filter by price range

Test Case Description: This test case will verify that the user can filter the search results by price range and that the correct results are displayed.

Test Steps:

1.       Open the e-kart website in a web browser

2.       Enter the keyword "phone" in the search input field

3.       Select the price range $100-$200 from the filter menu

4.       Click the search button

5.       Verify that the search results include products within the selected price range ($100-$200)

Test Data:

·         Search keyword: "phone"

·         Filter option: price range $100-$200

Expected Results:

·         The search results should include products within the selected price range ($100-$200)

·         The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner

·         The search results should not include products outside the selected price range



Test Case 6: Filter by availability

Test Case Description: This test case will verify that the user can filter the search results by availability and that the correct results are displayed.

Test Steps:

1.       Open the e-kart website in a web browser

2.       Enter the keyword "watch" in the search input field

3.       Select the availability as "In Stock" from the filter menu

4.       Click the search button

5.       Verify that the search results include products that are in stock

Test Data:

·         Search keyword: "watch"

·         Filter option: availability "In Stock"

Expected Results:

·         The search results should include products that are in stock

·         The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner

The search results should not include products that are out of stock



Test Case 7: Filter by rating

Test Case Description: This test case will verify that the user can filter the search results by rating and that the correct results are displayed.

Test Steps :

1.       Open the e-kart website in a web browser

2.       Enter the keyword "books" in the search input field

3.       Select the rating as "4 stars and above" from the filter menu

4.       Click the search button

5.       Verify that the search results include products with a rating of 4 stars or higher

Test Data:

·         Search keyword: "books"

·         Filter option: rating "4 stars and above"

Expected Results:

·         The search results should include products with a rating of 4 stars or higher

·         The search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner

The search results should not include products with a rating lower than 4 stars


Test Case 8: Search filed validation

Test case description: Verify that the form validation correctly prevents the form from being submitted when the search input field is empty or contains special characters, or the length of the input is more than 20 characters.

Test Data:

·         Empty search input

·         Search input with special characters

·         Search input with more than 20 characters

·         Valid search input

Test Steps:

1.       Open the webpage containing the search form

2.       Try to submit the form with an empty search input field

3.       Try to submit the form with a search input field that contains special characters

4.       Try to submit the form with a search input field that is more than 20 characters

5.       Try to submit the form with a valid search input

Expected Results:

1.       The form should not be submitted, and an alert message should be displayed indicating that the search field is empty.

2.       The form should not be submitted, and an alert message should be displayed indicating that the search field contains special characters.

3.       The form should not be submitted, and an alert message should be displayed indicating that the search field should not be more than 20 characters.

The form should be submitted, and no alert message should be displayed.

 These are some of the cases identified , There is still scope to identify more test cases!! 


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