Java Test Paper
Variables, Loops, Conditional Statements, Inheritance,
Method Overloading, Method Overriding, Encapsulation and Abstraction, and
Interfaces in Java 8
Section A: Multiple Choice (1 mark each)
Which keyword in Java is used to define a
constant? a. static b. final c. const d. var
Which loop construct in Java is used when the
number of iterations is not known in advance? a. for loop b. while
loop c. do-while loop d. if-else loop
In Java, what does the super keyword
refer to? a. The superclass of the current class. b. The subclass of the
current class. c. A reserved keyword with no specific meaning. d. An interface
in the current class.
What is the primary purpose of method overloading
in Java? a. To override methods in a superclass. b. To hide methods in a
subclass. c. To create multiple methods with the same name but different
parameters. d. To create a new class that extends another class.
In Java, what is the main purpose of encapsulation?
a. To achieve code reusability. b. To hide the internal details of an object
and protect its integrity. c. To create abstract classes. d. To implement
What is the primary advantage of using an
abstract class in Java? a. It cannot be inherited by any subclass. b. It can be
instantiated and used directly. c. It allows for multiple inheritance. d. It
provides a blueprint for other classes and enforces method implementation.
In Java 8, what is a functional interface? a. An
interface with only one abstract method. b. An interface that cannot contain
any methods. c. An interface with multiple abstract methods. d. An interface
with only static methods.
Section B: True/False (1 mark each)
True or False: In Java, a variable declared as final
can be reassigned after its initial assignment.
True or False: The do-while loop in Java
always executes its code block at least once.
True or False: Encapsulation is a mechanism for
hiding the implementation details of a class.
True or False: Method overriding in Java is the
process of providing a new implementation for a method in a subclass.
True or False: Inheritance in Java allows a
subclass to inherit private members from its superclass.
True or False: An abstract class can be
instantiated (used to create objects) in Java.
True or False: In Java 8, interfaces can have
default and static methods in addition to abstract methods.
Section C: Code-related Questions (2 marks each)
Write a Java program that declares an integer
variable age and uses conditional statements to determine whether a
person is eligible to vote (age 18 and above).
Create a class hierarchy for animals, starting
with a base class "Animal." Define subclasses like
"Mammal," "Reptile," and "Bird." Provide methods
that demonstrate method overriding to produce unique behaviors for each
Design a class "Product" with private
attributes for name and price. Include a constructor and methods for setting
and retrieving these attributes. Ensure proper encapsulation.
Write a Java program that demonstrates method
overloading by creating a class with overloaded methods to calculate the area
of a rectangle, a circle, and a triangle.
Implement a Java class "BankAccount"
with private attributes for the account balance. Include methods for depositing
and withdrawing money. Demonstrate encapsulation by restricting direct access
to the balance.
Create an abstract class "Shape" with
a method "calculateArea." Implement this abstract class in subclasses
like "Circle" and "Rectangle."
Write a Java program that defines an interface
"Drawable" with a method "draw." Create a class
"Square" that implements the "Drawable" interface and
provides an implementation of the "draw" method.
Extend the animal hierarchy from question 16 by
adding a "Fish" subclass. Provide an implementation for unique
fish-related behaviors and characteristics.
Design a class "Person" with private
attributes for name, age, and address. Implement a constructor and methods for
setting and retrieving these attributes. Ensure encapsulation.
Create a Java program that demonstrates the use
of functional interfaces in Java 8 by defining a functional interface with a
single abstract method and implementing it with a lambda expression.
Write a Java program that demonstrates the use
of a for loop to print the Fibonacci series up to the 10th term.
Create a class "Employee" with private
attributes for name, employee ID, and salary. Implement a method to calculate
and set the annual bonus based on the salary. Demonstrate encapsulation by
restricting direct access to the attributes.
Implement a Java program that uses a while loop
to find the factorial of a given number. Include proper error handling for
negative inputs.
Design a class hierarchy for vehicles, starting
with a base class "Vehicle." Define subclasses like "Car,"
"Bike," "Truck," and "Boat." Provide methods that
demonstrate method overriding to display vehicle details.
Write a Java program that demonstrates method
overloading by creating a class with overloaded methods to calculate the area
of a square (using side length), a pentagon (using apothem and side length),
and a hexagon (using side length).
Create a class "Library" that
encapsulates a list of books. Provide methods to add and remove books, and a
method to display the total number of books. Ensure proper encapsulation.
Write a Java program that demonstrates the use
of an abstract class and method. Create an abstract class "Bird" with
an abstract method "makeSound." Create subclasses like
"Eagle" and "Sparrow" that override the
"makeSound" method to produce different bird sounds.
Design a class "Bank" with private
attributes for the bank name and location. Implement methods for setting and
retrieving these attributes. Ensure encapsulation and provide a method to
display bank information.
Create a Java program that simulates a simple
online shopping cart. Design a class for products with attributes like name,
price, and quantity. Implement methods to add and remove products, calculate
the total price, and display the cart contents.
Extend the shape hierarchy from question 30 by
adding a "Rhombus" subclass. Provide an implementation for
calculating its area.
Section D: Bonus (3 marks)
Explain the concept of polymorphism in Java and
provide examples to illustrate its use in code.
Answer all questions.
Execute the solutions in the editor [ Eclipse ]
and Save the same in the solutions word file
Be concise and clear in your code-related
Good luck!
C: Code-related Questions - Algorithms
Question 1: Determining Voting Eligibility
Declare an integer variable age.
Take user input to set the value of age.
Use conditional statements to determine
If age is greater than or equal to 18,
the person is eligible to vote.
If age is less than 18, the person is not
eligible to vote.
Question 2: Animal Class Hierarchy with Method
Create a base class "Animal" with
methods for common animal behaviors (e.g., eat(), move()).
Create subclasses like "Mammal,"
"Reptile," and "Bird" that inherit from the
"Animal" class.
In each subclass, override the methods from the
base class with specific implementations.
For example, in the "Mammal" class,
override move() to describe how mammals move.
Demonstrate method overriding by creating
objects of each subclass and calling their specific methods.
Question 3: Product Class with Encapsulation
Create a class "Product" with private
attributes for name and price.
Implement a constructor that takes parameters
for name and price and sets them.
Provide methods to set and retrieve the name
and price attributes.
Implement setName() and setPrice()
methods for setting the attributes.
Implement getName() and getPrice()
methods for retrieving the attributes.
Ensure encapsulation by making the attributes
private and accessing them through methods.
Question 4: Method Overloading for Shape Area
Create a class with methods overloaded to
calculate the area of different shapes (e.g., "calculateArea"
For each method:
Provide parameters specific to the shape (e.g.,
length and width for a rectangle).
Implement the area calculation based on the
shape's formula.
Return the calculated area.
Question 5: BankAccount Class with Encapsulation
Create a class "BankAccount" with
private attributes for the balance.
Implement methods for depositing and withdrawing
Create a deposit() method that takes an
amount and adds it to the balance.
Create a withdraw() method that takes an
amount and deducts it from the balance.
Ensure encapsulation by restricting direct
access to the balance attribute (make it private).
Demonstrate the functionality by creating a
"BankAccount" object, depositing, and withdrawing money.
Question 6: Abstract Class "Shape" with
Create an abstract class "Shape" with
an abstract method "calculateArea."
Create subclasses like "Circle" and
"Rectangle" that inherit from "Shape."
In each subclass, provide an implementation for
the "calculateArea" method based on the specific shape's formula.
When using the "Shape" class or its
subclasses, call the "calculateArea" method to calculate the area
based on the shape.
Question 7: Defining an Interface and Implementing
Define an interface named "Drawable"
with a method "draw()" that takes no arguments.
Create a class "Square" that
implements the "Drawable" interface.
Provide an implementation for the
"draw" method in the "Square" class.
This method should define how a square is drawn.
When using the "Square" class, call
the "draw" method to demonstrate its implementation.
Question 8: Extending the Animal Hierarchy with
Create a subclass "Fish" that inherits
from the "Animal" class in the animal hierarchy.
In the "Fish" class, provide specific
methods and behaviors related to fish.
For example, implement a method to describe how
fish swim.
Add attributes specific to fish, if needed
(e.g., "finCount" or "waterType").
Demonstrate the use of the "Fish"
subclass by creating a "Fish" object and calling its methods.
Question 9: Person Class with Encapsulation
Create a class "Person" with private
attributes for name, age, and address.
Implement a constructor that takes parameters
for name, age, and address and sets them.
Provide methods to set and retrieve the name,
age, and address attributes.
Implement setName(), setAge(), and
setAddress() methods for setting the attributes.
Implement getName(), getAge(), and
getAddress() methods for retrieving the attributes.
Ensure encapsulation by making the attributes
private and accessing them through methods.
Question 10: Functional Interface with Lambda
Define a functional interface with a single
abstract method (e.g., "MyFunctionalInterface" with
"performAction()" method).
Create a class that demonstrates the use of the
functional interface.
Implement the "performAction" method
using a lambda expression.
For example, you can define a lambda expression
to print a message when "performAction" is called.
Create an object of the class and call the
"performAction" method to execute the lambda expression.
Question 11: Printing
Fibonacci Series:
Initialize variables a and b as 0 and 1.
Print a to display the first term of the
Fibonacci series.
For i from 2 to 10 (inclusive):
Calculate the next term as c = a + b.
Set a to b and b to c.
Print a to display the next term.
Question 12: Calculating
Employee Annual Bonus:
Create a class "Employee" with private
attributes name, employeeID, and salary.
Implement a method, calculateBonus(), that:
Takes no arguments.
Calculates the bonus based on the salary (e.g.,
10% of the salary).
Sets the bonus attribute for the employee.
Ensure encapsulation by restricting direct
access to attributes.
Question 13: Calculating
Factorial with a While Loop:
Take user input for a positive integer.
Initialize a variable result to 1.
Check if the input is negative; if yes, display
an error message.
If input is zero, set result to 1 and display
the result.
Otherwise, for i from 1 to the input:
Multiply result by i.
Display the calculated factorial.
Question 14: Vehicle Class
Create a class "Vehicle" with
attributes such as make, model, and year.
Create subclasses (e.g., "Car,"
"Bike," "Truck," "Boat") that inherit from
Implement a method in each subclass to display
specific details of that vehicle.
Demonstrate method overriding by calling the
methods for different vehicle objects.
Question 15: Method
Overloading for Shape Area:
Create a class with methods overloaded to
calculate the area of different shapes.
For each method:
Provide parameters specific to the shape (e.g.,
side length for a square, apothem and side length for a pentagon).
Implement the area calculation based on the
shape's formula.
Display the calculated area.
Question 16: Library Class
with Encapsulation:
Create a class "Library" with a
private list or array to store books.
Implement methods to add and remove books and
count the total number of books.
Ensure that the list of books is encapsulated
and not directly accessible from outside the class.
Question 17: Abstract Class
"Bird" with Method Override:
Create an abstract class "Bird" with
an abstract method "makeSound."
Create subclasses like "Eagle" and
In each subclass, implement the
"makeSound" method to produce the unique sound for that bird (e.g.,
"Eagle" makes an eagle sound).
Demonstrate method overriding by calling the
"makeSound" method for different bird objects.
Question 18: Bank Class
with Encapsulation:
Create a class "Bank" with private
attributes for the bank name and location.
Implement methods to set and retrieve these
Ensure encapsulation by providing access to
these attributes only through methods.
Implement a method to display bank information
(e.g., "Welcome to ABC Bank located at XYZ").
Question 19: Online
Shopping Cart Simulation:
Design a class for products with attributes like
name, price, and quantity.
Implement methods to:
Add products to the cart.
Remove products from the cart.
Calculate the total price based on the products
in the cart.
Display the cart contents with names, prices,
and quantities.
Question 20: Calculating
Rhombus Area:
Extend the shape hierarchy from question 30 by
adding a "Rhombus" subclass.
Provide an implementation for calculating the
area of a rhombus based on its specific formula.
Display the calculated area.
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